June 2017

Absolute introduces updated detailed tracking and monitoring solutions for Generators. With not just live tracking in case of theft we can now offer additional connections with SMS/Email Alerts to monitor:
June 2017

Absolute is very proud to gain approval by Bahrain’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to renewal all yearly contracts with ship fleets working in the Kingdom of Bahrain’s waters using advanced U.K branded Satellite based tracking devices working anywhere in the world land or sea
May 2017

Absolute introduces detailed Dual Temperature sensor solution packages for vehicle use within the GCC region increasing client control over refrigeration and freezer temperature controlled food vehicles allowing them to gain valuable immediate SMS and Email alerts in case of breakdowns which lets them take immediate action to save food spoiling while driving to delivery sites […]
May 2017

As part of our vision to offer the best support services in the region, Absolute has now opened a dedicated sales and support office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Al Khobar – reducing Maintenance call times to clients significantly.
April 2017

Absolute is yet again awarded and successfully implemented our advance solutions for the GPS Tracking project for the prestigious 2017 Bahrain Formula 1 event at the B.I.C for the 3rd consecutive year in a row. Installing on nearly 80 support vehicles including Ambulances – Fire trucks – Recovery and pace track cars our system was […]
June 2016

Absolute is awarded with great honor the opportunity to provide a phase 1 bespoke CCTV solution for Durrat Al Bahrain Islands. The project is designed to use 78 Full High Definition IP67 cameras in all public areas transmitted to a new control room by wireless mesh node technology from our U.S Partners Firetide with only […]
June 2016

Absolute is very proud to have been chosen by Bahrain’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to become their sole GPS Service provider for ship fleets using advanced U.K branded Satellite based tracking devices working anywhere in the world land or sea
May 2016

Absolute introduces detailed roaming packages for vehicle use within the GCC region cutting overhead communication costs to our clients while allowing them to manage their fleets effectively and efficiently with faster update times.
April 2016

Absolute is awarded the GPS Tracking project for the prestigious Bahrain Formula 1 event at the B.I.C. Installing on nearly 80 support vehicles including Ambulances – Recovery – Fire trucks and pace track cars our system was utilized in race control for the 3 day event updating the vehicle data every 2 seconds with great […]